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Do you also suffer from an itchy and flaking scalp? From this moment on, Kiti Kiti's cool Medicated Shampoo with Aloe comes to the aid! This formulation is a perfect blend that is truly gentle yet effective in exfoliating loose flakes and soothing irritation, invigorating and refreshing your scalp.

✅Anti-Flake Power: Say goodbye to annoying flakes! This medicated shampoo controls dandruff and removes dry, flaking scales from your scalp.

✅Aloe Vera Soothing: This formula enriched with aloe vera soothes and calms itchiness and irritation linked to dry scalp.

✅Invigorating Tingle: Enjoy the cool tingling sensation that invigorates your scalp and makes it a favorable environment for healthy hair growth.

✅Mild Cleansers: This shampoo uses natural cleansers that are gentle and clean but do not remove natural oils or irritate the scalp further. It is perfect for sensitive scalps.

✅Easy to Use: Apply, massage, rinse, and repeat; that's all! This shampoo provides a simple way to address the scalp issues troubling you.

✅Exfoliating & Hydrating Power: This formulation's Salicylic Acid and aloe vera blend consummate your scalp's exfoliating and hydrating functions.

Enjoy the difference of a healthy, flake-free scalp! Get Kiti Kiti Aloe Medicated Treatment Shampoo and see how it gives you the fresh and cool relief you need.

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